Nike Sportswear X UNDERCOVER – Gyakusou Spring/Summer 2011 Collection
The Jun Takahashi-designed Gyakusou running project is easily one of Nike’s most successful endeavors in years, in terms of dynamic design and forward thinking vision. Takahashi, best known for his label Undercover, first brought his elite design ethic to Nike running equipment in October 2010, with a Fall/Winter collection. Now, the second collection (which we previewed in a behind the scenes video), for Spring/Summer 2011, has been released. For this second collection, the theme is “inside out,” and Takahashi has taken more freedom with a deconstructed style. Mesh linings are more clearly visible through large vents, and construction starts with a focus on the interior, leaving a large number of seams visible on the exterior; the result is a more whimsical sense of technicality. Takahashi also modified the color palette a bit for this collection, replacing the predominant black with a mix of earthy tones and vibrant spring colors. Check out the collection, available at select Sportswear accounts, after the jump.
■ GYAKUSOU 취급 점포
UNDERCOVER 아오야마 상점 03-3407-1232
NIKE 하라주쿠 03-6438-9203
NIKE 오사카 06-6120-1310
NIKE 후쿠오카 092-738-0190
NIKE STORE 키치 0422-28-0833
NIKE STORE 교토 075-229-6263
주말 4 / 16 (토) 발매.
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