History Repeated: Kanye's Style Inspirations (from Complex)
거대한 웹 매거진 complex에서 아주 재미있는 자료를 모아 놓았다. 바로 패셔니스타 칸예웨스트의 룩에 영감을 준 사람들을 모아 놓은 것이다. 마냥 창조적일 줄로만 알고 있던 칸예도 예전의 스타들에게서 영감을 받고 또 자신만의 룩으로 소화를 해나가고 있었다. 약간 억지스러운 조합도 있지만 대체로 수긍할만 하다. 여기에서의 칸예의 사진들은 대부분 공식석상이나 중요한 자리, 무대에서의 사진들인데 칸예는 전설이된 스타들의 복장에서 영감을 받아 룩을 완성할 만큼 클래식에 대한 열망이 강한 것 같다.
그보다 Hi-end 브랜드나 디자이너 브랜드를 즐기는 지금의 칸예의 모습도 멋지지만 폴로와 스트릿브랜드들을 즐겨 입던 칸예의 예전 모습이 나에겐 더 멋지게 느껴진다.
People love searching for the songs that Kanye West samples in his music. There's satisfaction in finding what we think is his source. We kind of did the same thing, but with his outfits. And why not, right? Kanye is one of the biggest fashion influencers of today. He’s established himself as a trendsetter who’s willing to take risks and has inspired the style of many. But we wondered who or what might have inspired his sartorial choices.
So, we did some digging and found classic looks from other celebrities and cultural fixtures that we think may have influenced some of Yeezy's fashion choices. These are all Complex guesses, but the similarities are too uncanny to be wrong. Check out our picks for Kanye's Style Inspirations.
WHEN: 2010
INSPIRATION? Richard Pryor in Live at the Sunset Strip, 1982
WHEN: 2006
INSPIRATION? Al Pacino as Tony Montana in Scarface, 1980
WHEN: 2010
INSPIRATION? Eddie Murphy in Delirious, 1983
WHERE: Grammys
WHEN: 2009
INSPIRATION? Michael Jackson in "Billie Jean," 1983
WHERE: Rosewood Movement
WHEN: 2010
INSPIRATION? Don Draper from Mad Men
WHERE: 808s & Heartbreak Era
WHEN: 2008-2009
INSPIRATION? Peewee Herman
WHERE: Phillip Lim 3.1 Fashion Show, New York Fashion Week
WHEN: 2009
INSPIRATION? Michael Jackson at the Grammys, 1984
WHERE: Marquee Nightclub at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
WHEN: New Year’s Eve, 2010
INSPIRATION? Tupac, 1994-96
WHEN: 2005
INSPIRATION? John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, 1977
WHEN: 2005
INSPIRATION? Michael Jackson's Thriller Cover, 1982
WHERE: Fashion Show
WHEN: 2009
INSPIRATION? The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1976
WHERE: Grammys
WHEN: 2005
INSPIRATION? Diddy at Soul Train Awards, 1997
WHERE: The College Dropout Era
WHEN: 2003-2004
INSPIRATION? Polo Ralph Lauren Enthusiasts, Lo-Lifes
WHEN: 2009
INSPIRATION? Keith Haring and his art
WHERE: Graduation Era
WHEN: 2007
INSPIRATION? Boyz II Men, 1991-95